April 1, 2024

Volume 5.1

Volume 5.1

The Good Life - NON:onLINE April 2024

L'sGA : Lincoln's Gettysburg Address



NON:op's immersive platform for virtual performance and participation
volume 5:1

Please Join Us
as we investigate alternative futures
through music, art, poetry, performance, and observation

Welcome to the April 2024 issue of NON:onLINE!

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The Good Life
The Good Life
(first draft)
Kenya “Kao Ra Zen” Fulton
It is a good life.
This life of an artist.

A life of color, and music, and parties hosted in galleries, and maybe even gardens where you can nibble on an assortment of breads and cheeses.
A life of sights and sounds, and the tasting of treats, and the touching of hearts.
And the smell of turpentine.
A life of wonders, and wines, and warriors, and witches, and warlocks, and weavers…
…and words…and worlds…
…and wars…
…and wars…
…and wars…
…and wonders…
…and a bit more wine.
And windows to the soul, this, and all souls.
All souls and this…
…tortured, soul…
…blessed, spirit…
A universe.
A universe, with-out and with-in.

I had never seen so many stars in the Summer night sky as I had seen that night in Mirow, Germany.

A quiet and quarreling quest for quickening quantum quintessence.
A life of indulgence.
There is never enough time.
But there is always time for tea.
A life of lights, cameras, and action.
Of singing and dancing.
Of drawing and painting.
Or working and playing.
Of strumming and drumming and coming…and going…going further than ever…and then…going even further yet, again.
And going nowhere at all.

A life.
A good life.
Of living and dying.
Of loving.
A wanting of nothing and a needing of everything.
A wanting of everything and a needing of nothing.
Of beginnings.
And endings.
A devoted mistress.
An elusive muse.

I may not ever stop missing her.

There is never enough time.
But there is always time for tea.
It is a good life.
This life of an artist.
- op -
Kenya Kao Ra Zen, born Kenya Fulton, hails from Chicago, Illinois. Kao's art practice involves creative writing, spoken word, music, video directing, and performance art. He has also worked on creative projects in the mediums of drawing, painting, acting, modeling, and dance. https://www.KaoRaZen.com

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[ BREAKING ] NON:op Receives Two-Year Funding from Driehaus Foundation in Support of Listening Across Neighborhoods!!

I'm thrilled to announce that NON:op Open Opera Works has received two years of funding from the Richard H. Driehaus Foundation to support our new Listening Across Neighborhoods program!! The Build Environment program works to ensure the built environment is enhanced by the preservation and reuse of historic places, community-driven planning, and sustainable and well-designed new buildings and landscapes.
NON:op's Listening Across Neighborhoods program (LAN) is an annual neighborhood-centered, youth-oriented, listening, learning, and leadership program that includes workshops, peer-to-peer interaction, and public presentations of findings. LAN is intended to address two related problems: neighborhood investment/disinvestment/preservation, and relationship building. The point at which the two intersect is sound. LAN outcomes include public presentations, recordings and reporting, and an online Neighborhood Sound Archive. LAN is unique in its combination of sound, education, relationship building, and leadership opportunities, with hands-on community participation.
Teaching sound artists and leaders will work with youth from North Lawndale and the Near West Side to impart soundwalking and listening skills, recording techniques, presentation and public speaking skills. Partnerships to date include Midwest Society for Acoustic Ecology, SAIC at Nichols Tower, St. Ignatius College Preperatory High School, and New Mission Temple Church of God in Christ.

Thank you for your support!

Christophe Preissing
Founder + Artistic Director

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[ IMMERSIVE ] L'sGA at Theatre Y on Saturday, May 11, 8pm

Kao Ra Zen
Join us on Saturday, May 11, at North Lawndale's Theatre Y for the final L'sGA : Lincoln's Gettysburg Address concert. Funded by a grant from Com Ed/Powering the Arts, L'sGA: is a three-neighborhood Chicago tour that features commissioned works and performances by Ja Nelle Davenport-Pleasure, Kao Ra Zen, AJ McClenon, and Kameron Locke, with Willie "Prince Roc" Round featured as the Politico in Sal Martirano's 1967 anti-war composition, L'sGA. This concert is FREE  and will include a DJ set by Thesselonious.
L'sGA: Lincoln's Gettysburg Address
Saturday, May 11, 8:00 PM, DJ Set at 7:30 PM
Theatre Y, 3611 West Cermak, Rd., Chicago 60623

Theatre Y is not wheelchair accessible.
Please contact non [at] nonopera [dot] org for accessibility requests.

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Tuesday, May 21, 11:00 AM, Experimental Station

With support from the Field Foundation, NON:op will publicly launch a new SAY THEIR NAMES interactive map and database memorializing Black Americans killed by law enforcement over the last 10 years. Please join us on May 21 at 11:00 am at Experimental Station for this important event. Ronald Brown, lead researcher, and Saba Ayman-Nolley, project coordinator, will introduce the project, the methodologies, and how you can engage with the interactive map.
Tuesday, May 21, 11AM
Experimental Station
6100 S Blackstone Ave, Chicago, IL 60637
Seating is Limited. Please Register Here.
Experimental Station is wheelchair accessible.
Please contact non [at] nonopera [dot] org for other disability requests.

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[ IMMERSIVE ] NON:op Takes New York City!!

Funded by a Learning Exchange grant from New Music USA, L'sGA: Lincoln's Gettysburg Address is headed to New York City on June 29th. In collaboration with RESONATOR ARTS, a New York based presenting organization, Ja Nelle Davenport-Pleasure, Kao Ra Zen, and AJ McClenon, and Willie "Prince Roc" Round will present their commissioned works!!

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NON:op is growing, and like many organizations coming out of the pandemic, we are growing with projects, installations, and performances. It's quite an exciting time for us! Are you savvy about one or more aspects of running a non-profit? Join our board of directors. Do you have a passion for planning engaging events and projects? Join our programming committee. For more information, contact Christophe at non [at] nonopera [dot] org. And to find out more about NON:op Open Opera Works and our initiatives visit our WEBSITE.

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Governing and Programming Board Positions
Do you believe in the work we are doing? If so, please contact non [at] nonopera [dot] org to find out how you can support NON:op as a Board member. NON:op is seeking creative, passionate, and inspired individuals to join our board of directors in one of the following roles:
Programming Committee
The programming committee meets monthly with the artistic director and is responsible for supporting current programming and devising and producing future programming and events.
Governing Committee
The governing committee is responsible for finances, governance, and legal matters in support of the organization and its programming. The governing committee meets once per quarter and is joined by members of the programming committee.

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Thank You to Our Funders

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Board, Volunteer, Intern, and Other Opportunities
NON:op is seeking board members, volunteers, interns, participants, assistants, artists, and all who have creative ideas and who would like to work with NON:op to implement a shared vision. Please contact Christophe at non [at] nonopera [dot] org if you would like to find out more and join us as we create an alternative future.

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SUPPORT NON:op by purchasing NON:op merch!
Donate to NON:op
Click here to order and support NON:op and its artists.
Thank you for taking care of each other by staying indoors and practicing social distancing.
We hope you and yours are well and staying safe as we work to create an alternative future.
Christophe, Saba, Theo, Arlene, Kao, Ja Nelle, Kyle, and all of NON:op's creatives, staff, volunteers, and interns
NON:op is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Please consider supporting NON:op's program initiatives, creatives, and mission with a donation today.
All donations are tax deductible according to federal guidelines. Thank you.  
Copyright © 2024 NON:op Open Opera Works, All rights reserved.
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